Finding Facts Among Fake News
A guide to tackling misinformation.
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8 Lessons

What you’ll learn

  1. Misinformation mechanics
  2. Types of misinformation
  3. Biases that make us vulnerable
  4. Spotting and preventing misinformation

Forwards started off as light-hearted information sharing among friends and family on messaging groups. Today, it has taken on monstrous proportions beyond our understanding, leading to mass spread of false information, and keeping us divided and fighting over the most unnecessary things. Why does this happen? Sometimes what starts off as a joke ends up making people leave groups, stop talking to each other in real life, and even fatalities.​

Given everyone around us now uses a smart device, the time has come to understand what constitutes mis/disinformation, who benefits from propagating it, how we become pawns in larger games, and what we could do to not fall prey and lose our closest connections.​

In lesser time than we spend over comment/messaging wars, attend this session to find logic and reason to this bewildering world of fake news, and make sane, wise decisions that would be good for your own, and your friends and family’s mental health.​


Ash Gopalani (BBC-trained Media Literacy trainer)

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Ash has over a decade of experience in the media and communications field. He worked with Zee Entertainment before branching out to work in media and digital literacy education. Ash is a BBC - certified media literacy trainer who has worked with 650+ students across schools in India as part of the BBC Young Reporter India Program. He has also collaborated with schools and college academics in the United States and Germany in digital and media literacy curriculum development.

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